The final week of the semester was spent preparing students for what is
often the most challenging aspect of TTS: returning home into an
experience of reverse culture shock. Each student discussed her hopes
and fears of returning to friends, family, and a way
of life that may be seen with new eyes. Would they be interested in the
same things as their old friends? Would they be able to relate? Would
they be seen as more independent by their parents? Would they be able to
have conversations with their parents on the
issues they explored? Would they be shocked by the excess of the U.S?
Would they be grateful for things previously unappreciated? The many
questions were addressed in smaller mentor groups as well as during
whole group discussions. Students also brainstormed
possible responses to the question "So how was the trip?" Girls
considered how to sum up their experience for others in a satisfactory
but brief statement, and considered how to engage others in more
detailed discussions without falling into the trap of preaching
about what they have learned during the semester. They acknowledged that
their learning this semester has not made them experts on South
American history and culture, but has planted seeds of awareness and
curiosity that will motivate them to continue exploring
their worlds. Alizah mentioned how she plans to keep learning about the
history and politics of South America through conversations with the
many well-traveled customers of the cafe where she works. Courtney has
already started conversations with her dad to
make connections between his experience in buisiness and her research in Math Concepts. In addition to informal conversations upon
retuning home, each girl will give a 30-minute talk to her home high
school or other organization about an aspect of her
trip. After creating rough outlines, girls met in mentor groups to
brainstorm the content and flow of their presentations.
As we finish the semester, several girls are transitioning to college,
and many others are beginning to consider potential post-secondary
studies as they look forward to their final years of high school. We
conducted a passion workshop consisting of several
quick and fun surveys designed to help students to discover what
interests them and, equally as important, what motivates them.
Our second-to-last dinner in La Paz was spent laughing to the point of
tears recalling memories of fun times throughout the semester, including
the awkward and homesick first few days of the trip. Just as TTS22 did
for them, the girls of TTS23 wrote letters
to the members of TTS24, intended for the newest TTSers to read within the first few
days overseas. The letters provide practical advice as well as general
reassurance and encouragement to the next group of Traveling School
On our final evening in the highest capital city in the world, we began
our graduation ceremony with a visioning exercise, where all closed
their eyes as teachers led students back through the entire semester,
their ups and downs, to appreciate how far each
had come. A speech by Paul Hawken was read, calling out to this
generation to wake up to the world, to see the earth with a different
perspective. Then each student presented a peer with a hand-made
envelope, a poem, and words about them. Each girl received
a small gift from the teachers, an amulet of the condor, meaning 'bien
viaje', or good journey. As the sun set behind the snow-peaked mountains
of Bolivia, students stuffed each envelope with their 'warm and
fuzzies', final personal notes to each person in
the group, which could only be opened and read once alone in the U.S. We
walked together to an upscale hotel for an unusually fancy final
graduation dinner, tiramisu and chocolate mousse included. Most of the
girls stayed up laughing and hanging out until our
bus came to whisk us off to the airport at 3 in the morning!
Once at the airport, the teachers handed out their 'letters to self', a
letter students wrote to themselves during orientation, bringing the
experience full-circle.
We cannot believe how much your daughters have packed into 3 1/2 months in South America. They have honed their traveling and group living skills and learned to go with the flow and seek out learning opportunities that exist all around them. Your daughters are ready to be home to share their experiences with you. We have enjoyed witnessing each student's growth and increased openness to the world around them. We look forward to hearing about their next adventures.
Bien viaje,
Sarah, Heather, Beth, Kate
Thank you for this final update and your incredible devotion to our girls over the last 3.5 months!! What an amazing finish to the semester! So happy to have Courtney back home and a let the stories start to flow.